Monday, December 7, 2009

The Government is Ours

I laughed pretty hard when I read The Government Is Ours post!! A friend of mine at work and I were just talking about the "news" of the day and how Tiger Woods and the party crashers made the top news... Although I can't help but not to be surprised at how much news time those two events absorbed and many many other celebrity stories in the past as well. I think a large amount of people are so absorbed in the rich and famous lives of others and the news media takes full advantage of it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Combat Grounds

Last week after one of my classes was dismissed we got into a question and answer debate about the military today. It was really interesting to hear a different perspective from most of my class mates...some were ex-military...others were in the reserves....and others had just enlisted to have their school paid for...

I was particularly interested in one females perspective. She said she wanted to join the military so she could defend her country, she wanted to be out on the front lines with the men...she wanted infantry...she was told that wouldn't be entirely possible and that she could possibly be in the "medical" aspect of the front lines if she went thru the proper military training and classes and passed the necessary tests. I don't know how much of that story is true but I decided to do some "looking into" to see what I could find.

The truth is I already had an opinion on the issue at hand...if someone wants to be in the infantry division (a side note; my brother has been in the Army for 12 years and just re-signed, he started out Airborne Infantry and now is in the Apache Helicopter Infantry division) their gender shouldn't be what stops them. In a CNN article I read an "excuse" the Pentagon gave for women not being on the combat grounds which was there was not adequate health care available to women in those combat areas and I guess I can understand that concern but, women know what their bodies do and need ...with that maybe the women that want to be in the infantry can adapt but also the military could be a little more open to provide the proper health care that they claim to lack.

I'm sure there are many other reasons (sexual assault and rape would be a big one) that one could come up with in favor or not in favor of women in the brother (who is over seas for his 5th tour of duty) has given me several and I can see his point of view, I really can but I feel like the military could be missing out on an opportunity to enlist more people (women in particular). Especially when they are losing both military men and women at an alarming rate.