Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Texas Solider Commits a Horrible Crime.

There was an article published by The Austin American Statesman earlier this week about a Texas solider (Thomas Green, 24) who killed a female Iraqi teenager's family (mother, father and sister) and then became the third solider to rape her and then shot her in the face and set her body on fire. The jury/panel couldn't come to an unanimous decision for his sentence (death penalty or life in prison) so he is now in jail for 5 life sentences of murder, conspiracy and rape. This article really made me wonder about the mind set of the solider because he claimed he was "merely following orders from the other solider." At what point does one not know when to say NO?? Did he really think it was OK to rape a teenager for the third time and then shoot her in the face??? More than anything Green will now sit in jail for the rest of his life living off the tax payers money (I assume) for murder because half of the jury didn't think the death penalty was appropriate for someone who raped and shot a teenager in the face and assisted in killing her family. There were three other soldiers that received life sentences but will be eligible for prole in 7 years (for good behavior??), I'm not really sure how it is OK to release soldiers and/or regular civilians who took place in several murders and raped a teenager. A fourth solider served 27 months and then was released. I guess this hits home because my brother has been in the military for 10 years and is currently over seas for the 5th time and articles like this one can just add fuel to the fire when it comes to the issues over seas. I know the military needs soldiers but it makes me wonder if there should be more time, effort and resources (and money) put into soldiers that are over seas and in infantry branches to make sure they can handle (rationally) most of what comes their way.


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